ClayFighter Wiki
ReSculpted logo

Second logo of ClayFighter: ReSculpted

ClayFighter: ReSculpted was a fangame project based on ClayFighter series made enterely from scratch using Unity game engine. It was one of the famous fan projects of 2023 along with Ultra ClayFighter and ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare but also the first one to receive the Cease & Desist mail from Interplay and being cancelled (as well Infinite Clayfare.)


The game started in 2022 with Windindi announcing he and some of his friends starting a new game based on ClayFighter, making new models in 3D with a claymation/stop motion look, with a heavy redesign of the characters. The project was called as "ClayFighter: ReSculpted" and started with few spoilers (later revealed) of Blob and Bad Mr. Frosty with new designs. Later, other characters were confirmed like Ickybod Clay and Taffy.

The project eventually became more and more famous, mostly because its promotion on Reddit in the Fighters and ClayFighter channels, at the point there're some fanarts inspired on this new game and even it was made a song for Blob that was accepted to be part of this fangame.



Bad Mr. Frosty along with the first version of the logo

There were only 5 confirmed characters, all with redesigns compared with their versions of the games. 4 of them would come from the original series and they're considered as the main characters of the series: Bad Mr. Frosty, Blob, Ickybod Clay and Taffy. There's also a fifth confirmed character that also was supposed to be the first guest character: Red from Godzilla creepypastas, that also was designed in the same style that the other ClayFighters for this game.


In July 2023, Windindi received a Cease and Desist mail from Interplay, news he announced first in the game's Discord and later in Twitter via screenshot of that news. The promotion stopped and the official Twitter was renamed (from CFResculpted to TTGames77). And it was not the only project that received a C&D from Interplay, a couple of months later the same wento to ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare and Ultra ClayFighter, being the latter still continue to this day since they got hosted the romhack into a private website where Interplay can't do a thing about it.

After many petitions of fans to continue the game but without ClayFighter content (with the same clay style and even still using Red as guest character), Windindi and friends renamed the main Twitter as TropicalTurtles Entertainment as well retooled the game as "Handmade Melee" at the end of 2023, continuing with the progress until today.

