ClayFighter Wiki
Welcome to the ClayFighter Wiki!

The crushing and crumbling encyclopedia chronicling the adventures of clay which anyone can edit! From the early days on the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo, to the Nintendo 64, to the future of the series, this is the place to find out all you need to know about ClayFighter. Feel free to help work on articles or create new ones to make a reliable database for all ClayFighter fans!

Cf63 frosty Cf63 blob Cf1 blue Cf63 bonker Cf1 helga Cf63 ickybod Cf63 taffy
Bad Mr. Frosty Blob Blue Suede Goo Bonker Helga Ickybod Clay Taffy
Cf2 tiny Cf1 nboss Cf2 nanaman Cf2 octo Cf2 googoo Cf2 hoppy Cf2 kangoo
Tiny N. Boss Nanaman Octohead Googoo Hoppy Kangoo
Cf63 kiln Cf63 kungpow Cf63 houngan Cf63 santa Cf63 ladyliberty Cf63 highfive Cf63 zappaboys
Dr. Kiln Kung Pow Houngan Sumo Santa Lady Liberty High Five Zappa Yow
Yow Boys
Cf63 ewj Cf63 boogerman
Earthworm Jim Boogerman

